Do I Make You Proud?

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Do I Make You Proud?

Blog post by: Alumni Relations Specialist

For as long as I can remember, my mom has always told me how proud she was of me.  No matter how many mistakes I made or how many times I fell down, she was right there to pick me back up, dust me off, and tell me she is proud of me for trying.  I always thought this was just something that a mom is supposed to say to her children.  Through all my accomplishments, including graduating high school, getting married, having kids and getting a job, of course she would always say… “I am so proud of you.” Then the addict came out.  I turned into a nasty person who hurt people and did not care.  I did not care if you cried, screamed, or ignored me.  I asked my mom, “Do I make you proud now?”  Her answer was, “Yes, you always have and always will.”  My mom never gave up on me and knew I was a fighter and she was right there to pick me up and dust me off again.  Now, with just celebrating 5 years clean and sober, my mom sits in the back of the room at my home group while I share my story, and she whispers to me, “I am so proud of you.”  We all need that one person who, no matter what, will always be proud of us.